Monday, January 3, 2011


     My name is Jimmy Gartland, I am from Powell, Ohio. Currently. At home I have 3 brothers, a sister, 2 cats, and a dog. I really don't like my dog because she barks at me all the time and she is incredibly stupid. At Ohio University I am majoring in Mathematics and minoring in Spanish, I don't know why I'm minoring in Spanish, but It fulfills some of my academic requirements. I live in Perkins on East Green but I spend more time at Read Hall because all my friends live there.
     Right now I don't see recent problems with the world as any indication that we are moving toward an apocalypse. Human society has been full of injustice and violence for our entire recorded history, probably since the beginning of the human race. From my knowledge of history instances of these evils seem constant, but not increasing, making an apocalypse unlikely. but I am open to new ideas and there is a good chance that I will change my mind by the end of the quarter. 

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